Zephyr Tree Service – Your Local Tree Experts

Tree Trimming in Hometown

March 19, 2021

Today we had a large Mulberry Tree from over the neighbor’s fence which has become a nuisance. We did a fence line trim and took off a major limb. It is important to cut the limbs back to the trunk and keep it clean with no “stubs” sticking out. If properly cut it will greatly reduce the chances of regrowth of new branches in that spot. Just a perfect excuse to get up in a tree, do a little climbing and light rigging. It is very early in the season still, its a perfect time to get some work done before leaves start to grow. Call us or Contact us for a free estimate!

Tree Trimming in Chicago

March 16, 2021

This job we had some branches over the garage, and near the power lines. When in situations like this its important to take extra time putting the proper rigging techniques into place to safely bring down heavy branches without disturbing any structures below. With Zephyr Tree Service you can be assured your property will be treated as if it were our own with the utmost of respect. We treat every job equally and clean up all debris afterwords.

Tree Trimming in Palos Hills

March 15, 2021

There are a lot of reasons why generally tree topping or stub cutting is considered a bad idea, the branches just grow back very fast and in large numbers and are considered weak points in the tree. You can see the picture of the large tree that was recently cut and the branches grew back again. The customer decided (after paying twice to be cut) just to remove the tree. The Mulberry trees still provide privacy and shade but they were getting too tall and blocking the sun from the whole yard and pool so they will require maintenance to keep them.